Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson




40 Beelzebub Tells How People Learned and Again Forgot About the Fundamental Cosmic Law of Heptaparaparshinokh


“And so, my boy, these great terrestrial learned beings now Saints, the twin brothers Choon-Kil-Tez arid Choon-Tro-Pel, were the first after the loss of Atlantis to lay anew the foundation of this knowledge. They not only laid anew the foundation of this ‘totality-of-special-information’ but they were even the first there on Earth who also constated two of the three chief law-conformable particularities present in that great law about which I have already spoken to you, and, namely, they were the first to constate two of its Mdnel-Ins; they then called that branch of genuine knowledge, similar to that which on the continent of Atlantis was called the ‘seven-aspectness-of-every-whole-phenomenon,’ the law of ‘ninefoldness,’ and they called it thus because they added to the seven obvious ‘different-manifestations,’ called by them ‘Dooczako,’ of this great law, these two particularities first constated by them and named by them ‘Sooanso-Toorabizo,’ which name meant ‘obligatory-gap-aspects-of-the-unbroken-flowing-of-the-whole.’ And they named this law thus, chiefly because during their detailed researches they became convinced beyond all doubt that in all the cosmic ‘transitory results’ they investigated, these particularities first constated by them likewise obligatorily always proceed in certain places of the process of this great law.


“These two great terrestrial Chinese learned beings then had recourse for their elucidatory experiments to every kind of what are called ‘chemical,’ ‘physical,’ and ‘mechanical’ experiments and they gradually formed one very complicated and in the highest degree edifying experimental apparatus, which they called ‘Alla-attapan.’


“By means of this apparatus Alla-attapan, they then clearly proved to themselves and to others that in the very essence of all these three ‘transitory results’ of cosmic processes, and, namely, in the Polormedekhtian product called there opium, in the white-ray and in sound there are the same properties, and, namely, there are in all these three outwardly quite different cosmic phenomena precisely the same what are called ‘actualizing constructions,’ that is to say, for their manifestness there are in them precisely the same ‘mutually-acting-law-conformablenesses,’ and in all three of these outwardly different apparently independent manifestations the functioning of these ‘mutually-acting-law-conformablenesses’ have precisely the same action on each other as they have in their own manifestations, that is to say, the Dooczako of any one result acts on the corresponding Dooczako of another, precisely the same as it functions in that Dooczako which is one of the seven aspects of this whole cosmic result.