Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson




42 Beelzebub in America


“‘The other “legal halves” of the men and women sitting here, who have remained at home in the provinces are probably now thinking and telling their acquaintances positively, that their “legal wife” or “legal husband” has gone to the world capital Paris to make some very “important” purchases for the family or to meet somebody there very important for the family, or something else of the same sort.


“‘But in reality, in order to get here, these birds of passage have had to intrigue for a whole year and cook up every kind of story to convince their legal halves of the necessity of their trip; and now here, in the company of deceivers and intriguers like themselves, in the name of and to the glory of the significance of the “epithalamium,” aided by that fine art which this great contemporary civilization has attained, they decorate their stay-at-home “legal halves” with the largest possible “fine art horns.”