Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson




42 Beelzebub in America


“‘And the initial cause of the institution of this fast was the dispute at this Kelnuanian Council between two then famous learned men, namely, the great Hertoonano and the great Greek philosopher Veggendiadi.


“‘The great Hertoonano was the representative of all the followers of the teaching of Jesus Christ settled on the shores of the Red Sea, while the philosopher Veggendiadi was the representative of all the then followers of that teaching in Greece.


“‘The philosopher Veggendiadi was famous for his learning only in his own country, but Hertoonano was famous all over the Earth. He was considered the greatest authority on the laws of the inner organization of man, and also an authority on the science then called alchemy—not of course the alchemic science of which contemporary people have a notion and which they express by the same word.


“‘The famous dispute between the great Hertoonano and Veggendiadi arose on the following occasion.


“‘The philosopher Veggendiadi, it seems, occupied two days in affirming and proving that it was absolutely necessary to spread among all the followers of the teachings of Jesus the notion that to kill animals for the purpose of consuming their flesh for food was the greatest sin, and moreover that such flesh was very harmful to the health, and so on.


“‘After the philosopher Veggendiadi, several other representatives ascended the rostrum and spoke for or against his case.


“‘Finally, as this manuscript stated, the great Hertoonano with measured dignity slowly mounted the rostrum and spoke in the manner proper to him, clearly and calmly.


“‘According to the text of this manuscript, he then spoke as follows:


“‘“I fully concur in all the evidence and arguments set forth here by our Brother in Christ, the philosopher Veggendiadi.


“‘“I for my part will even add to all he has said, that to cut short other lives merely to stuff one’s own belly is an infamy of infamies such as only man is capable of.


“‘“Had I not also been interested in this question for many years and had I not reached certain entirely different definite conclusions, then after all that our Brother in Christ Veggendiadi has said here, I should not hesitate a moment but should urge and conjure you all not to delay until tomorrow, but without looking behind to hasten back to your towns, and there in the public squares to cry aloud: ‘Stop! Stop! People! Consume no more meat for food! This practice of yours is not only contrary to all the commandments of God, but is the cause of all your diseases.’