Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson




40 Beelzebub Tells How People Learned and Again Forgot About the Fundamental Cosmic Law of Heptaparaparshinokh


“In brief, then, for the second time on your planet, in this still quite young China, after the loss of the continent Atlantis, these two twin brothers again constated and categorically made clear that all the separate and, by their exterior, independent phenomena—if each of them is taken as a unit—are in the totality of their manifestations again seven secondary independent units, having their own subjective properties; that these secondary independent units in their turn, consist of seven tertiary units, and so on to infinity; and that in each of these primary, secondary, tertiary, etc., units, the processes of mutual relation and mutual influence proceed equally in every detail down to the smallest exactitudes and with equal consequences.


“By the way, during their investigations, they then first defined, with separate names, the first seven independent aspects taken by them of the whole result, as well as their secondary and tertiary derivatives.


“Namely, the first seven fundamental aspects of each whole they called:

(1) Erti-Pikan-On
(2) Ori-Pikan-On
(3) Sami-Pikan-On
(4) Okhti-Pikan-On
(5) Khooti-Pikan-On
(6) Epsi-Pikan-On
(7) Shvidi-Pikan-On