Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson




42 Beelzebub in America


“From all this poor Elizabeth became so nervous, especially as this ‘reprimanding’ took place in the presence of all her friends, that she could not restrain herself and cried out with all her might:


“‘Oh, you wretched old maids! Striped hobgoblins! Spawn of deepest hell! Because I called a thing by its name, you immediately begin to suck my blood. Be thrice damned!!!!!’


“Having said these last words, she fell as they say there ‘in a faint,’ followed in turn by the fainting of the headmistress herself and of several ‘class mistresses’ and ‘governesses.’


“The ‘class mistresses’ and ‘governesses’ of this ‘genteel institution’ who had not fainted then raised such a ‘hubbub’ as really only occurs at what is called the market where ‘Jewesses’ from the town of Berdichev exclusively bargain.