Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson




38 Religion


“Owing to the fact that the destruction of their chief proceeded so unexpectedly, that sole remaining possibility became even doubtful for them ‘of receiving these instructions’ by communicating with the Reason of the destroyed chief by means of the process, the ‘sacred Almznoshinoo,’ for the existence of which they not only knew the possibilities, but they also had in themselves all the data required for such an actualization.


“You, probably, my dear boy, know nothing yet about this sacred process?


“That process is called the sacred Almznoshinoo by means of which three-centered beings who have themselves already had time to coat and to bring their own body Kesdjan up to completed functioning and to a definite degree of Reason, intentionally produce the coating or, as it is otherwise said, the ‘materialization’ of the body Kesdjan of any being already entirely destroyed, to such a density that this body acquires again for a certain time the possibility of manifesting in certain of its functions proper to its former planetary body.


“This sacred process can be produced upon the body Kesdjan of that being who also during his existence had brought his higher being-body up to the completed functioning, and in whom, in addition, the Reason of this body had been brought up to the degree called the sacred ‘being-Mirozinoo.’


“In our Great Universe, besides the process of the intentional coating of the being-body Kesdjan of an already destroyed being, another process exists called the most sacred ‘Djerymetly.’

“And this most sacred process consists in this, that when there is intentionally first produced the coating of the highest being-body, namely, the ‘body of the soul,’ only afterwards, as in the first case, is the sacred Almznoshinoo produced.


“It is possible of course to produce both these processes only in that case, if such higher-being bodies are still in those spheres contactable by the sphere of that planet on which these ‘sacred sacraments’ are produced.


“And in addition, these formations evoked intentionally and consciously by definite beings can exist and maintain connection and communication with them only as long as the beings who produce these formations, consciously feed the body Kesdjan with their own sacred ‘Aiësakhaldan.’


“Thus, those six remaining members of the small ‘group-of-Seven’ might have had recourse to this same sacred process Almznoshinoo for communication with the Reason of their destroyed chief, if they, having foreseen the possibility of this sudden decease of their chief, had made beforehand while he still existed a certain preparation, necessary for completing this process.


“In order that you may understand about the essence of this preparation for the sacred process, the sacrament Almznoshinoo, it is necessary for you to know about two particular properties of the ‘being-Hanbledzoïn,’ i.e., the ‘blood’ of the being-body Kesdjan.


“The first of these properties of the being-Hanbledzoïn consists in this, that, if any part of it be separated and removed, then wherever and however far it may be taken, a ‘threadlike connection’ is formed between this part and the fundamental concentration of all this cosmic substance, in such a way that this connection is formed of this same substance, and its density and thickness increase and diminish proportionately with the distance between the fundamental concentration of this substance and its separated part.


“And the second particular property of this Hanbledzoïn consists in this, that when it is introduced into the fundamental concentration of this substance and has mixed with this primordial concentration, it is distributed in it everywhere in uniform densities and in uniform quantities, wherever the given concentration may be and in whatever quantity this same Hanbledzoïn may accidentally or intentionally be introduced.


“And so, in consequence of the fact that the body Kesdjan of the being is coated with those substances which in their totality make this cosmic formation much lighter than that mass of cosmic substances which surrounds the planets and is called the planetary atmosphere, then as soon as the body Kesdjan of the being is separated from the planetary body of the being, it at once rises according to the cosmic law called ‘Tenikdoa,’ or as it is sometimes called the ‘law of gravity,’ to that sphere in which it finds the weight proper to it equally balanced and which is therefore the corresponding place of such cosmic arisings; then, in consequence of all this, the preliminary preparation consists in this, that beforehand, still during the planetary existence of that being, on the body Kesdjan of whom it is intended after his decease to produce the sacrament of the sacred Almznoshinoo, a particle of his Hanbledzoïn must be taken and this particle must be either kept in some corresponding surplanetary formation, or be introduced into those beings themselves who produce this ‘ritual,’ and intentionally blend with the Hanbledzoïn of their own body Kesdjan.


“In this way, when the three-brained perfected being foredesigned for this sacrament Almznoshinoo ceases his planetary existence, and his body Kesdjan is separated from his planetary body, then thanks to the first particular property of this being-Hanbledzoïn that connection begins to be established about which I have just told you, between the given body Kesdjan and that place where the particle of his Hanbledzoïn was preserved beforehand or those beings who intentionally coated this particle in their own bodies Kesdjan.


“In order to be clear in our subsequent talks upon this question, you must now be told just here that the said connection—one end of which is kept in the body Kesdjan which has risen to its corresponding sphere and the other end of which stays either within those surplanetary formations in which the particle from the general mass of the Hanbledzoïn of the given body Kesdjan was fixed, or in those beings who intentionally blended the Hanbledzoïn of the given body Kesdjan with the Hanbledzoïn of their own body Kesdjan—can exist in space only for a limited period, namely, only until the completion of the appointed movement of that planet, on which the given being had arisen, around its sun.


“And at the beginning of such a new completing movement the said threads completely disappear.


“And they disappear because, in the atmosphere surrounding all planets, the evolution and the involution of cosmic substances required for the great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat in accordance with the fundamental sacred cosmic law Heptaparaparshinokh, again commence flowing only for the Trogoautoegocratic process of local character, i.e., within the limits of the given solar system’s what is called ‘own activity’ and in consequence of which all, without exception, of the cosmic substances which happen to be in the given atmosphere during the period of this movement, and among them the said connections also, are immediately transformed into those cosmic substances which must be present in these atmospheres.


“So, my boy! Until these completed movements have come to an end, those beings existing on planets who either have in themselves a particle of the Hanbledzoïn of any body Kesdjan or have at their disposal the surplanetary formation in which that part of the Hanbledzoïn was fixed, can—assuming, of course, that they have all the corresponding data for carrying it out—at any time attract such a body back to the sphere of the solid part of the planet, and saturating it to the condensation corresponding to their own Hanbledzoïn, in this way establish relations with the Reason of that already completedly formed independent cosmic unit.


“And this attraction or as it is sometimes said ‘materialization’ is produced, as I have already told you, by means of what is called ‘Vallikrin,’ that is by the conscious injection in a certain way of one’s own Hanbledzoïn into the ends of these connections.


“Several times, even before this Tibetan case, this sacred process Almznoshinoo had already been produced on your planet by the three-centered beings of different periods, and about the information concerning these sacred processes of former times, several Legominisms existed.


“At this moment I am considering that it will be very, very useful for your Reason if I tell you more about a certain event connected also with the sacrament of the sacred Almznoshinoo which concerns that Sacred Individual the conception of whom was actualized among your favorites and who, having become formed, was named ‘Jesus Christ.’


“I will tell you about this important event, connected with the actualization among them of this Sacred Individual, the notion about which the contemporary favorites of yours define by the words ‘The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.’


“Your acquaintance with this fact will be another example for you for enlightening you about the sense and essential significance of the sacred sacrament Almznoshinoo, and in addition you will also have a clear example of what I have already told, how—thanks only to the strange inherency in their general psyche, called wiseacring—the sense of even those crumbs ‘collected-from-bits-here-and-there-into-one-whole’ spoken and indicated to them by the genuine Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized among them from Above, were already so distorted by the first generation of the contemporaries of the given Sacred Individuals, that from all what they call religious teachings information reached the beings of subsequent generations suitable perhaps only for the inventing of what are called ‘children’s fairy tales.’


“The point is, that when this Sacred Individual Jesus Christ was actualized in the planetary body of a terrestrial three-brained being, and when afterwards He had to be separated from his exterior planetary coating, then just this same sacred process ‘Almznoshinoo’ was also produced on his body Kesdjan by certain terrestrial three-brained beings in order to have the possibility—in view of the violent interruption of his planetary existence—of continuing to communicate with his Divine Reason and of obtaining in this way the information about certain cosmic Truths and certain instructions for the future which he did not finish giving them.


“The information about what is called ‘the Lord’s Supper’ given in the ‘noted totality,’ still existing today among your contemporary favorites, representing as it were the real accurate history of this Sacred Individual, and which is called by them the ‘Holy Writ,’ was nothing else but a preparation for the great sacrament Almznoshinoo on the body Kesdjan of Saint Jesus Christ.


“In order that you may better represent and make clear to yourself the genuine individuality of this Judas, and the significance of his manifestation for the future, I must first still inform you that when this Sacred Individual Jesus Christ, intentionally actualized from Above in a planetary body of a terrestrial being, completely formed Himself for a corresponding existence, He decided to actualize the mission imposed on Him from Above, through the way of enlightening the reason of these three-brained terrestrial beings, by means of twelve different types of beings, chosen from among them and who were specially enlightened and prepared by him personally.


“And so, in the very heat of His Divine Activities, surrounding circumstances independent of Him were so arranged, that not having carried out His intention, i.e., not having had time to explain certain cosmic truths and to give the required instructions for the future, He was compelled to allow the premature cessation of his planetary existence to be accomplished.


“He then decided, together with these twelve terrestrial beings intentionally initiated by Him, to have recourse to the sacred sacrament Almznoshinoo—the process of the actualization of which sacred sacrament was already well known to all of them, as they had already acquired in their presences all the data for its fulfillment—so that He should have the possibility, while He still remained in such a cosmic individual state, to finish the preparation begun by Him for the fulfillment of the plan designed for actualization of the mission imposed on Him from Above.


“And so, my boy, when having decided on this and being ready to begin the preliminary preparation required for this sacred sacrament, it then became clear that it was utterly impossible to do this, as it was too late; they were all already surrounded by beings, called ‘guards,’ and their arrest and everything that would follow from it was expected at any moment. And it was just here that this Judas, now a Saint and formerly the inseparable and devoted helper of Jesus Christ and who is ‘hated’ and ‘cursed’ owing to the naïve nonreasonableness of the peculiar three-brained beings of your planet, manifested himself and rendered his great objective service for which terrestrial three-brained beings of all subsequent generations should be grateful.


“This wise, onerous, and disinterestedly devoted manifestation taken upon himself consisted in this, that while in a state of desperation on ascertaining that it was impossible to fulfill the required preliminary procedure for the actualization of the sacred Almznoshinoo, this Judas, now a Saint, leaped from his place and hurriedly said:


“‘I shall go and do everything in such a way that you should have the possibility of fulfilling this sacred preparation without hindrance, and meanwhile set to work at once.’


“Having said this, he approached Jesus Christ and having confidentially spoken with Him a little and received His blessing, hurriedly left.


“The others, indeed without hindrance, finished everything necessary for the possibility of accomplishing this sacred process Almznoshinoo.