Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson




40 Beelzebub Tells How People Learned and Again Forgot About the Fundamental Cosmic Law of Heptaparaparshinokh


“Among these followers a century and a half after the sacred Rascooarno of the saints-brothers, there was a certain genuine learned being, King-Too-Toz by name, who, on the basis of the principles of the construction of the middle part of the apparatus Alla-attapan named Dzendvokh, propounded a very detailed theory under the name ‘evolution and involution of vibrations,’ and for the confirmation of this theory of his he made a special elucidatory apparatus which he called ‘Lav-Merz-Nokh’ and which, by the way, later became also widely known among almost all the learned beings of our Great Megalocosmos.


“The said apparatus Lav-Merz-Nokh, like the middle part of the Alla-attapan, consisted of a very strong frame with a great many strings stretched on it made from the intestines and tail-hairs of various quadruped beings there.


“One end of each string was fixed to one edge of this frame, and the other to pegs inserted into another edge.


“These pegs were inserted in such a way that they could be freely turned in their what are called ‘peg holes,’ and the strings fixed onto them could at will be tightened or loosened as much as was necessary for the required number of vibrations.


“Of the great number of strings stretched on the Lav-Merz-Nokh, forty-nine were colored white and the totality of vibrations, that is to say, the definite sound obtained from the vibrations of each one of them, was called a whole ‘center-of-gravity-of-the-octave,’ which definite sound corresponded to that which your favorites now call a ‘whole note.’


“Each seven strings of these ‘gravity-center-sounds’ or whole notes were then and are still called an ‘octave.’


“In this way there were stretched on the apparatus Lav-Merz-Nokh seven octaves of whole notes, the totality of the general consonance of which gave what is called the ‘sacred Hanziano,’ that is, just what the two great brothers suspected and which happened almost exactly to coincide with what, as I already said, they then named ‘Nirioonossian-World-Sound.’


“Each such an octave of strings on the Lav-Merz-Nokh gave that totality of vibrations which according to the calculations of the great twin brothers corresponds to the totality of the vibrations of all those cosmic substances which, issuing from seven separate independent sources, compose one of the seven-centers-of-gravity of the ‘fundamental common-cosmic Ansapalnian-octave.’


“Each white string on the Lav-Merz-Nokh was tuned separately by this Chinese learned being King-Too-Toz in such a way that it gave that average number of vibrations which according to the calculations of the great brothers ought also to be in substances which are one of the seven-centers-of-gravity of the given whole totality of substances, which in its turn is one of the seven centers of gravity of the fundamental cosmic octave of substances.


“On the Lav-Merz-Nokh, each octave as well as each whole note of the octave had names of their own.


“And the ‘gravity-center-strings’ themselves were painted white and were called the same in all octaves, but with the addition of the name of the given octave itself.


“And, namely, these whole notes were called thus:

The first highest Adashtanas
The second highest Evotanas
The third highest Govorktanis
The fourth highest Maikitanis
The fifth highest Midotanis
The sixth highest Lookotanas
The seventh highest Sonitanis


“The contemporary beings of the Earth now call these same whole notes: ‘do,’ ‘si,’ ‘la,’ ‘sol,’ ‘fa,’ ‘mi,’ ‘re.’


“By the way, my boy, in order that the greatness of these two saints, brothers, should be still more evident to you, I draw your attention to the fact that the calculations made by them and the qualitativeness established by these calculations of what is called the ‘vivifyingness-of-the-vibrations’ of sound which corresponded according to their suppositions with the vivifyingness of cosmic sources of substances, appeared to coincide almost exactly with reality.


“This merit of theirs was all the greater, because as terrestrial beings they had no true information about this and were able to make their correct suppositions and almost accurate calculations of many objective cosmic truths exclusively only thanks to their own conscious labors and intentional sufferings.


“Further, on this Lav-Merz-Nokh in each octave between these white strings or whole notes, this learned being King-Too-Toz strung in certain places five further strings, but this time painted black.

“These black strings however he named ‘Demisakhsakhsa,’ which according to the terminology of the beings of the Earth corresponded to what they call ‘half notes,’ and these ‘half-note strings’ on the Lav-Merz-Nokh were not strung between those whole notes between which, according to the indications of the saints Choon-Kil-Tez and Choon-Tro-Pel, there is according to the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh no possibility of the independence of the evolution and involution of the vibrations of sound, and these places they were the first to call ‘gaps.’ And in the given places of the octave where these gaps ought to be, this learned being King-Too-Toz strung special strings between the whole notes made of the tail-hairs of beings called there ‘horse.’


“These hair strings gave vibrations which were not always the same and King-Too-Toz named these vibrations ‘chaotic.’


“The number of the vibrations obtained from these hair strings depended not on the stretching of them, as in the case of other strings, but on other causes; chiefly on these causes ensuing from surrounding cosmic results, namely: on the action of the vibrations dispersed around them obtained from other strings of the Lav-Merz-Nokh; on the state of what is called the ‘temperature of the atmosphere’ at the given moment; and on the radiations of the beings present nearby without distinction of brain system.


“On this Lav-Merz-Nokh between these white, black, and hair strings there were also strung in each octave fourteen strings also from ‘twisted intestines,’ which were painted red and called ‘Keesookesschoor,’ and if contemporary beings of the Earth were to use these strings they would call them ‘quarter notes.’


“In addition to this, all those ‘quarter-note strings’ which were stretched on either side of the hair strings were fitted in such a way that the vibrations issuing from them could at any moment be changed as desired by means of tightening or loosening these strings and thus the vibrations they produced could be regulated and by ear blended with the frequently changing vibrations obtained from the hair strings.


“And this was so done because thanks to the frequently changing vibrations of the hair strings, the qualitativeness of which, I already said, depended on the temperature of the atmosphere, on the radiations of the beings present nearby, and on many other causes, the vibrations of these ‘red strings’ acquired such a property that, if they did not blend with the vibrations of the hair strings, the vibrations issuing from them would act on the beings present very ‘cacophonically-harmfully,’ even to their possible total destruction.


“With the frequent changing, however, of the stretching of the red strings and with the blending of their vibrations with the general vibrations issuing from the Lav-Merz-Nokh, their harmlessness was obtained, that is to say, owing to this, the general vibrations issuing from the Lav-Merz-Nokh became for the beings who heard them what is called ‘Harmoniously flowing’ and not harmfully acting.


“And so, my boy, this apparatus, Lav-Merz-Nokh, and also the detailed theory of this ancient conscientious learned being King-Too-Toz suffered the same fate as the incomparable apparatus Alla-attapan and the whole totality of true information cognized by the brothers.


“Owing to the continuing and even increasing formation in the sense of quantity of certain of your favorites of the mentioned new type with the said inherency of cunning wiseacring, all this totality of information was from that time on altered and its genuine sense and significance gradually forgotten.


“And as regards how the basic principle of the arrangement of the strings of the apparatus Lav-Merz-Nokh and also that part of the Alla-attapan, the Dzendvokh, automatically reached to your contemporary favorites, this proceeded owing to the following reasons:


“And as my latest detailed investigations elucidated to me, he became worthy among other things to be also informed about the great apparatus Lav-Merz-Nokh in all details of its construction.


“And then, only in order that similar beings around him should regard him as a ‘scientist,’ this Chai-Yoo being one of the first so to say ‘ideally formed scientists of new formation’ there, that is, a being with a ‘completedly formed inherency to wiseacre,’ not only ‘wiseacred’ a new theory of his own on the basis of this information learned by him in the said manner concerning the details of the great apparatus Lav-Merz-Nokh, ‘affirming and denying’ so to say absolutely nothing relating to the laws of vibration, but he also constructed his new simplified ‘sound-producing instrument’ named ‘King.’


“His simplification consisted in this, that without having at all taken into consideration the red and hair strings on the Lav-Merz-Nokh, he made the basis of his sound-producing instrument only the white and black strings, and moreover, only the number of strings of two octaves, and he placed them so that one whole octave which was found in the middle had for its evolutionary and involutionary continuation half an octave from its next higher octave and half an octave from its preceding lower octave.


“And so, although the theory ‘wiseacred’ by this Chai-Yoo also did not last very long, yet nevertheless this sound-producing instrument King constructed by him had become generally accessible owing to its simplicity; and in consequence of the fact that the result obtained from it during intentional action turned out to be very good and satisfactory for, so to say, the ‘tickling’ of many data crystallized in their common presences thanks to the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer—it began to pass automatically down from generation to generation.


“Although the outer form of this sound-producing instrument together with the construction of its frame, the stretch of the strings and their names were changed many times by the beings of subsequent generations—having been ultimately formed among your contemporary favorites into their heavy sound-producing instruments complicated to the degree of idiocy, and in their power incommensurably degenerated to a ‘childish degree,’ such as ‘clavicymbals,’ ‘clavichord,’ ‘organ,’ ‘grand piano,’ ‘upright piano,’ ‘harmonium,’ and so on—yet the basic principle of what is called ‘the alternation of gravity center sounds’ has remained at the present time such as were actualized by the saints-brothers Choon-Kil-Tez and Choon-Tro-Pel on the Dzendvokh, that is, the middle independent part created by them of the incomparable experimental apparatus Alla-attapan.


“That is why, my boy, this, as it is now called there, ‘Chinese seven-toned subdivision of the octave of sound’ simplified by the mentioned Chai-Yoo, which has reached down to your contemporary favorites and which is used at the present time by them for all their sound-producing instruments enumerated by me, might still, as I have already said, partly serve for, so to say, the ‘practical confrontative study’ and approximate cognizance of how in the process of the Most Great Trogoautoegocrat, from what is called the ‘flowing-of-some-vibrations-from-others,’ cosmic substances arise of different ‘density’ and ‘vivifyingness,’ and in which way, uniting and disuniting among themselves, they form large and small ‘relatively independent’ concentrations and thus actualize the common cosmic Iraniranumange.


“However it might have been there, my boy, yet at the present time I regret very much that it will be impossible for me with the contemporary sound-producing instrument piano which I brought from the surface of your planet, to explain fully to you the laws of vibrations of all sources which actualize the common-cosmic ‘Ansanbaluiazar’ as this was ideally possible to do on the remarkable Lav-Merz-Nokh, created by the follower of the great twin brothers, himself not less great, also a Chinese learned being, King-Too-Toz.


“On that remarkable ‘elucidatory apparatus’ Lav-Merz-Nokh, King-Too-Toz arranged and tuned, according to the corresponding calculations made by the great brothers, just as many strings for engendering vibrations as there are consecutive sources in the Universe from any planet up to the Protocosmos, in the presences of which the vibrations of cosmic substances changing according to law during the Trogoautoegocratic processes blend correspondingly for the actualization of everything further.


“However, my boy, although the sound-producing instrument piano which I brought from the surface of your planet is a very typical invention of your contemporary favorites, yet owing to the fact, as I have already told you, that the fundamental tuning of the strings of its whole notes and half notes has not yet been changed, therefore according to the consecutive blending vibrations evoked in a corresponding manner by the strings on it, it might still be possible experimentally to demonstrate at least the laws of vibrations issuing from any one fundamental common-cosmic octave of substances, that is to say, issuing from one of the seven fundamental totalities of sources; and thanks to this, it might be possible to represent to oneself and to cognize all the reciprocally acting vibrations issuing from all other sources, because as I have already told you, all the variously scaled cosmoses as well as the independent seventh parts of these cosmoses are almost exactly similar to the Megalocosmos, and in each of them the sevenfold sources of vibrations have the same reciprocal actions as proceed in the Megalocosmos, and therefore having understood the laws of vibrations for any one center-of-gravity, it is possible to understand approximately also the laws of vibrations for all centers-of-gravity, if, of course, their difference of scale is taken into account.