Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson




40 Beelzebub Tells How People Learned and Again Forgot About the Fundamental Cosmic Law of Heptaparaparshinokh


“This famous experimental apparatus Alla-attapan consisted of three independent parts.


“The fore part was called ‘Loosochepana,’ the middle part ‘Dzendvokh,’ and the last, the hind part, was called ‘Riank-Pokhortarz.’


“The uncovered places of these bamboos soaked in the said manner were dyed the colors also corresponding to the sound vibrations which touched them, and which were obtained from what are called strings which were on the middle part of the apparatus called Dzendvokh.


“This Dzendvokh consisted of a very strong frame of special form made from the tusks of ‘mammoths,’ on which there were stretched many strings of various lengths and thicknesses, made partly from twisted what are called ‘goat’s intestines,’ and partly from the tail-hairs of beings there of various exterior forms.”


“The same result was obtained if instead of these colored rays, corresponding sound-vibrations of the strings of the Dzendvokh were directed upon this same active element.


“Further, if any colored ray were made to pass through any active element of opium, then, passing through it, this same ray took on another color, namely, that color the vibrations of which corresponded to the vibrations of this active element; or if any colored ray were made to pass through the manifested what are called ‘wave-of-sound-vibrations’ still acting at that given moment from any corresponding string of the Dzendvokh, then, passing through this wave, it took on another color corresponding to the vibrations manifested by means of the given string.


“Or finally, if a definite colored ray and definite sound-vibrations from the strings were simultaneously directed upon any active element of opium from among those composing this Polormedekhtian product and which had a smaller number of vibrations than the totality of vibrations of the colored ray and of the said sound, then this active element was transformed into such another active element of opium the number of whose vibrations exactly corresponded to the totality of the numbers of the said two differently caused vibrations, and so on and so forth.


“And as regards the ‘seven-toned scale of sound’ which had reached them from the ancient Chinese beings, then you must be informed about this as detailedly as possible, because first of all, thanks to this information, you will better understand about the laws of vibrations in which all the peculiarities of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh can be constated and cognized; and secondly, because, among those things intentionally reproduced by those same three-brained beings of yours who have taken your fancy, for daily use in their general existence, I brought home from there also one ‘sound-producing instrument’ named there ‘piano’ on which the vibration-engendering ‘strings’ were placed which could be arranged just as on the Dzendvokh, that is, the second special part of the famous experimental apparatus Alla-attapan, which was created by the great twin brothers and on which, when we return on to our dear Karatas, I shall be able to explain to you by demonstration, what is called, the ‘successiveness-of-the-processes-of-the-mutual-blending-of-vibrations.’ Thanks to these practical explanations of mine you will more easily be able to represent to yourself and approximately to cognize just how and in which successiveness in our great Megalocosmos the process of the Most Great Trogoautoegocrat proceeds and in what way the large and small cosmic concentrations arise.


“I already said that in the beginning, while that totality of true information or that fragment of ‘genuine knowledge’ was handed down from the beings of one generation to the beings of subsequent generations only through the genuine initiates there, it not only underwent no change in the entirety of the exact sense put into it, but it even began, thanks to other also genuine learned beings among their followers of subsequent generations, to be ‘detailized’ and became accessible then to the perception of even ordinary three-brained terrestrial beings.


“Among these followers a century and a half after the sacred Rascooarno of the saints-brothers, there was a certain genuine learned being, King-Too-Toz by name, who, on the basis of the principles of the construction of the middle part of the apparatus Alla-attapan named Dzendvokh, propounded a very detailed theory under the name ‘evolution and involution of vibrations,’ and for the confirmation of this theory of his he made a special elucidatory apparatus which he called ‘Lav-Merz-Nokh’ and which, by the way, later became also widely known among almost all the learned beings of our Great Megalocosmos.


“And as regards how the basic principle of the arrangement of the strings of the apparatus Lav-Merz-Nokh and also that part of the Alla-attapan, the Dzendvokh, automatically reached to your contemporary favorites, this proceeded owing to the following reasons:


“Although the outer form of this sound-producing instrument together with the construction of its frame, the stretch of the strings and their names were changed many times by the beings of subsequent generations—having been ultimately formed among your contemporary favorites into their heavy sound-producing instruments complicated to the degree of idiocy, and in their power incommensurably degenerated to a ‘childish degree,’ such as ‘clavicymbals,’ ‘clavichord,’ ‘organ,’ ‘grand piano,’ ‘upright piano,’ ‘harmonium,’ and so on—yet the basic principle of what is called ‘the alternation of gravity center sounds’ has remained at the present time such as were actualized by the saints-brothers Choon-Kil-Tez and Choon-Tro-Pel on the Dzendvokh, that is, the middle independent part created by them of the incomparable experimental apparatus Alla-attapan.