Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson




39 The Holy Planet “Purgatory”


“Thanks to this, the completing process of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh for the continuation of the species, for instance, proceeds not through one being, as it proceeded with the Tetartocosmoses, but through two beings of different sexes, called by us ‘Actavus’ and ‘Passavus,’ and on the planet Earth, ‘man’ and ‘woman.’


“I might say here, that there even exists in our Great Megalocosmos a planet on which this sacred law Heptaparaparshinokh carries out its completing process for the continuation of the species of the three-brained beings, through three independent individuals. You might as well be acquainted somewhat in detail with this uncommon planet.

“This planet is called Modiktheo and belongs to the system of the ‘Protocosmos.’

“Beings arising on this planet are three-brained, like all other three-brained beings arising on all the planets of our Great Megalocosmos, and in their exterior appearance are almost similar to us, and at the same time are—and are also so considered by all others—the most ideal and perfect of all the innumerable various-formed exterior coatings of three-brained beings in all our Great Universe; and all our now existing angels, archangels, and most of the Sacred Individuals nearest to our COMMON FATHER ENDLESSNESS arise just upon this marvelous planet.

“The transformation through them of the cosmic substances required for the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic process, according to the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, proceeds on these same principles on which it proceeds through our common presences and also through the presences of your favorites, the three-brained beings breeding on the planet Earth. For the continuation of their species alone does this sacred law effect its completing process through three kinds of beings, wherefore such three-brained beings are called ‘Triakrkomnian’; separately, however, just as among us beings of different sexes are called Actavus and Passavus or are called on your planet man and woman, so there on the planet Modiktheo they call the beings of the different sexes ‘Martna,’ ‘Spirna,’ and ‘Okina,’ and although externally they are all alike, yet in their inner construction they are very different from each other.


“No, dear Grandfather, the details of this I do not yet know; I only know that these Dionosks are regarded among us on the planet Karatas as great holy days and are called ‘Helping-God-Dionosks,’ and I know that for these great holy days, the Dionosks, all our beings, ‘Actavus’ as well as ‘Passavus,’ prepare themselves almost from the end of the previous holy day, and that one ‘Loonias’ before the beginning of these sacred sacraments, both old and young among us cease to introduce the first being-food into themselves and, by various sacred ceremonies, mentally give thanks to our COMMON CREATOR for their existence.


“There I will explain to you sometime in detail where and how the sacred sacrament of Serooazar proceeds with the substances being-ExioĆ«hary for the continuation of one’s species and on what occasions and in what way the mixing and subsequent results of the two kinds of ExioĆ«hary are obtained; one kind is transformed for the affirming principle in those ‘beings-apparatuses’ which on our planet Karatas are the beings ‘Actavus’ and on your planet Earth the beings of the ‘male sex’; and the other kind is transformed for the denying principle in those ‘beings-apparatuses’ which among us on the planet Karatas are the beings ‘Passavus’ and on the planet Earth the beings of the ‘female sex.’